As much as you research an investment, you can’t know everything before investing.  The financial sector is constantly evolving, so you must stay current.  This constant change clears the path for investment scams to emerge.  You must stay one step ahead of scammers to avoid investment fraud.

One excellent way to get updated information is to attend conferences and webinars about investing.  There is a wide variety of topics depending on what interests you the most.  These are some great options to increase your insight.


Attending a conference and immersing yourself in the principles is a fantastic way to gain more insight. Conferences also give you the option to discuss ideas within peer groups as well and give you access to industry experts.  Listed below are a few conferences that might be of interest to you:

  1. World Investor Week 2019  is a global campaign to increase awareness about the importance of investor education and protection.  Regional and global organizations hold events all week from September 30th to October 5th.  The U.S. Securities Exchange Commission works with government and private sector agencies to educate investors.  Therefore, check the website for upcoming events.
  2. Pensions and Investment Magazines is organizing several conferences both on the East and West Coasts of the Unites States.
  3. Emerging Markets Conference  will provide the latest strategies in managing emerging markets program. In addition to giving information on the latest trends in emerging market investing.  The Conference is in Chicago on Sept. 24th and in New York City on Sept. 26th.
  4. West Coast Defined Contribution Conference, November 3rd – 5th in San Diego.  The conference will give practical and implementable insights on investment, fiduciary administration and communication approaches.
  5. Multi-Asset Investing Conference is held on November 12th in Chicago and November 14th in New York City.  The focus of the conference is why asset owners should consider a multi-asset approach through discussions and debates by leading experts.


Webinars are a great way to gain information from experts without traveling.  In addition they are more cost effective as many are recorded and archived.   You can watch when you have time or if you want to re-watch to grasp the key points again.  There are countless options to choose from, but here are two helpful webinars worth checking out:

  1. Investor’s Business Daily  hosts a monthly webinar about different aspects of investing, which is also archived.  The most recent topics are: “Navigate Earnings”, “Swing Trading: Buy. Sell. Profit. Repeat.”, “The Science of Winning Stocks”, and “How to Trade Options”.
  2. Financial Poise Webinars  is dedicated to education and offers free online webinars.  They help three main audiences, attorneys, business owners, executives and accredited investors.  Above all the webinars will teach you how to avoid investment fraud.  They are developed and executed by top performers in their field of expertise.  The webinars can be viewed live or watched later since they are archived.  Prior topics included; Due Diligence Before Investing, Investing in Residential & Multi-Family Real Estate, Raising Capital and Investing Planning.

In conclusion, at The IFPB, we believe in the power of due diligence to be able to make informed decisions and ultimately avoid investment fraud.  We are advocates for you.  Our goal is to help you get as much information as possible.